Artisanal Gold Council signs MOU with the Government of Peru

LIMA, PERU - Dr. Kevin Telmer, Executive Director of the Victoria B.C. Canada-based NGO Artisanal Gold Council (AGC)

Artisanal Gold Council signs MOU with the Government of Peru
Mar 6, 2024

LIMA, PERU - Dr. Kevin Telmer, Executive Director of the Victoria B.C. Canada-based NGO Artisanal Gold Council (AGC), issues the following statement on the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) of the Government of Peru:"Today is a good day for the people of Peru, for Peruvian Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Miners (ASGM), and for the environment. With the signing of this historic agreement, AGC will undertake important training and technology transfer activities in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) to reduce and eliminate mercury emissions from ASGM operations and to incentivize doing so by providing methods and equipment for local miners to recover a greater proportion of gold from their ores".As part of the agreement between AGC and the Government of Peru, AGC will engage with and train miners in Puno, Madrid Dios, Ica, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Lima, and Arequipa. MINEM will support the logistics for AGC to transport and deliver this technology transfer and training program to miners in these provinces (Departmentos)."MINEM signing this MOU with AGC shows the commitment of the Peruvian government to assisting Peru's artisanal gold miners,  and their faith in AGC's capabilities to help do so. Together we will deliver meaningful and sustainable assistance and put the needs of the Peruvian people and their environment first. Peru is truly a leader in helping formalize and professionalize it's ASGM sector. The future of the ASGM community is bright in Peru."At the announcement was Peru's Vice Minister of Mines Jaime Chavez Riva, Peru's Director General of Formalization Alberto Rojasand Artisanal Gold Council Peru General Manager Daniel Merino. We also want to highlight the Specialist of the Mining Formalization General Directorate with Peru's Ministry of Energy and Mines Martha Rico, for her dedication in helping move this important work forward and for believing in the necessity of this partnership.