Artisanal Gold Council Launches 2023 Holiday Giving Campaign to Advance Responsible Artisanal Gold Mining

The Artisanal Gold Council (AGC), a global leader in advocating for responsible artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM)

Artisanal Gold Council Launches 2023 Holiday Giving Campaign to Advance Responsible Artisanal Gold Mining
Mar 5, 2024
Artisanal Gold Council

The Artisanal Gold Council (AGC), a global leader in advocating for responsible artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM), proudly announces the launch of its 2023 Holiday Giving Campaign. This initiative aims to bolster AGC's ongoing efforts to promote an environmentally sound and socially responsible ASGM sector worldwide.

AGC's commitment to advancing a formalized and accountable ASGM sector has been unwavering. Through its 'Engage to Improve' motto, AGC consistently engages with mining communities and governments, fostering collaborations to promote an ASGM sector that is safe, viable, and supports communities.

The holiday season brings a unique opportunity to further this mission. Donations made to AGC during this campaign will directly contribute to initiatives that empower mining communities, implement responsible mining practices, and advocate for policies that ensure the well-being of both miners and the environment.

"AGC's 'Engage to Improve' motto encapsulates our dedication to actively engage with stakeholders, from mining communities to policymakers, in order to formalize and promote a responsible ASGM sector," stated Roger Tissot, Executive Director at AGC. "This holiday campaign is not just about giving; it's about investing in a future where gold mining is synonymous with responsibility and accountability."

The funds raised through this campaign will facilitate crucial programs that focus on:

Empowering Communities: Providing mining communities with the necessary tools, knowledge, and resources to develop formalized and responsible mining practices that prioritize safety and well-being.

Environmental Responsibility: Implementing innovative techniques and adapting technologies to minimize environmental impact, reduce mercury use, safeguard water sources, and restore ecosystems affected by ASGM.

Advocating for Responsible Practices: Collaborating with governments, industry stakeholders, and policymakers to establish and enforce regulations that promote a formalized and accountable ASGM sector.

Donors are encouraged to join AGC in this transformative journey towards a formalized and accountable ASGM sector. Every contribution, regardless of size, plays a pivotal role in fostering positive change in mining communities globally.

To participate in AGC's 2023 Holiday Giving Campaign and contribute to a responsible future for artisanal gold mining, please visit AGC’s 2023 Holiday Giving Campaign or contact AGC’s Communications and Public Relations Manager at

Together, let's make this holiday season a beacon of hope and progress for a responsible ASGM mining sector.

Please note: As AGC only has charitable status in Canada, we are only able to issue tax receipts for donations made by Canadian residents. If you have questions, please contact

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