Cherif Sow

National Project Manager Based in Senegal

Cherif SOW is an international expert specializing in mining law and artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM), with over 15 years of experience in research, policy development, and project implementation. He holds advanced degrees in African Integration Law and WTO Law, International Relations, and Project Management from prestigious institutions, including Cheikh Anta Diop University (Senegal) and Alioune Diop University (Senegal). Additionally, he has specialized training in extractive industries from the Catholic University of Yaoundé (Cameroon).

Cherif’s career spans diverse roles with international organizations, NGOs, and governments. His expertise includes regulatory frameworks for mining, community development in mining regions, and sustainable management of natural resources. He has worked with OXFAM, focusing on extractive industries and community advocacy, Amnesty International Senegal, as an expert in mining law and human rights, SADEV, coordinating development projects in mining communities in Senegal, UNIDO, as a national expert in artisanal gold mining, Artisanal Gold Council (AGC), managing mercury reduction initiatives in West Africa, and the Basel and Stockholm Conventions Regional Centre for Francophone Africa, Cherif supports initiatives to mitigate mercury use in ASM, improve environmental sustainability, and enhance regulatory compliance.  

Cherif was involved in several projects to develop national action plan (NAP) on mercury in Africa in the ASGM sub-sector. He coordinated the installation of two mercury-free gold processing units in Senegal and Guinea.

Having worked extensively across West Africa, Cherif combines technical expertise with a deep understanding of local contexts. He is committed to fostering sustainable mining practices that prioritize environmental conservation, community welfare, and the reduction of harmful impacts such as mercury pollution.